Monday, February 18, 2013

Anger and Tattoos

Anger is an interesting emotion and one I have sadly embraced lovingly like a teddy. When I am angry I have more energy, my anger drives me to work harder and continues, on and on like a broken record, loopty loo around I go.

In the past 4 years the main cause of my anger has been towards my ex-partner. From the beginning it was a very emotional relationship and continued to grow with a deteriorating force. Giving my all to someone when the warning signs were there from the start was not a good idea. I was caught up in a world new to me, consisting of mental and physical abuse, infidelity, lies and manipulation. I lost friends over it, I upset my family, I lost a lot of money and I turned violent in response to the violence I received. I stopped caring for this person therefore hurting them in return, the one who I was 'meant to love'. I just went along with it all, righteousness took hold of me, I felt I was owed a better life from this person. I fantasied about them suffering, having their money stolen or being continuously lied too like I had, basically I wanted their spirit and self-esteem crushed like mine had been. 

I realise that these thought patterns are extremely unhealthy for me and a total waste of my time, life and energy. We have been apart for nearly a year now and some days are good and some days aren’t. The days that are good are when I don’t think about him for an entire day, yippee for small things!  Otherwise when I do, feelings of anger, resentment and disappointment creep in and I get angrier at myself for allowing this to happen to my brain (Paris would now be doing summersaults or climbing curtains to distract me at this point which would be a welcome relief).  Mostly I try very hard not to think of him and I am learning to forgive myself for when I do. 

He is a silent contact called IGNORE in my phone so I never here his SMS or phone calls come through (for an iPhone5 it is a free ringtone you download onto iTunes called ‘silent ring’) I was going insane before I applied this. I received this advice from reading someone else’s break-up blog and I am truly grateful everyday for it as he still contacts me about once a fortnight with random SMS which I never hear arrive so they don’t disturb my day (occasionally I will have a read which I must stop doing). My other confession is that I lapsed recently and spoke to him breaking cardinal rule one o one of breaking up, never make contact! Heart strings pull as I hear his voice again, the first time in over 5 months. After listening to him speak for 20 minutes (he loves to go on and on) I was relieved to hear the same old story, he hasn’t changed one bit and he never will and I am lucky to be away from him! So now it is time to forgive myself for being human and curious; focus on not thinking of him so much and celebrate the fact that my life doesn’t have anyone else manipulating my brain, only me.

I will talk about tattoos next time………….Paris loved catching butterfly’s so I am collecting them on my back for her to play with!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

The journey begins..........

I have always loved writing things down, therapy 101 I like to think and once it is written I can usually release it and go on with my day/night. I thought my musings over the next year could enlighten, inspire and amuse you......maybe even hit a cord with some of you who have found yourself in my shoes before, even if you don't like to admit it!

The purpose: I am attempting to treat myself with kindness, respect and love which I have not done since I could start drinking, sexing and speaking my mind. Kindness and love is something normally reserved for my family, treasured friends, animals, strangers, food, alcohol, air basically anything that isn't me.

 Paris is helping me write this even though I have no idea where she is? She is a brown Burmese cat who won the hearts of many; my constant companion until the day she vanished, she just up and left without even leaving a goodbye and good luck letter!  I miss her amazing advice (yes she could talk) and will mention her wise purring’s from time to time. I don't want to vanish like she did and sometimes it is obvious that I do, mostly behind a curtain of alcohol, anger and other things.

Paris and I
Deep down this is not who I am 'a vanished soul'. I am a person who needs to change ever so slightly, curb my attitude and behave nicely to myself. Having said this it would be ridiculous notion to think that I will completely stop drinking and having sex just to do this (absurdity meowed Paris). However, what I would like is to achieve is too not wake up on a beautiful sunny day with a strange man’s semen in between my legs, not knowing where I am or how the hell I got there. Following this realization of another wonderful nights adventuring I will spend the next day hating myself for ending up that way, swear not to drink so much again and vow to respect myself more.

So far I haven't adhered to this advice for long until today; with Paris by my side, butterfly's on my back and sheer determination on my front, I will love myself again or be damned, which every comes first :)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Dirty paws

Paris had to wash her feet before she could type her blog. She thinks blogging is fun and cant wait to tell all about how her blogging was a purrfect success.